Wednesday 12 December 2012

Typo-Gateaux Research

For the TypoGateaux brief I had decided to pair up with Issy and Lizzy. Some of the initial thoughts we had towards baking the cake we very simple ideas such a some hash browns or flapjacks with icing.

We started to look at cakes designed around the world of 'Design' itself and this led us to the idea of making cakes of the adobe creative suite icons.

Here are some of the images that we came across that inspired this idea.

I then started to look for cakes that were similar to the ones we were thinking of making, to do with the Adobe suite.

I then started to look at the colours of all of the Adobe Icons and which ones would be the best to do in terms of what food colouring options we had available to us at the time.

This one was an interesting piece as it summed up all the colour ways for us in a simple format. 

Thursday 29 November 2012

405 Group research

To start this module we were split into groups for this new brief and we simply given a topic to research as a group. In the session we ended up with quite a few things. we then had to split up and each research specific things within the given topic. The topic we had been given was communication skills.

Here are the initial thoughts we had come to.

We them split up all the things we came up with and delegated it to people, I was given Technology and Infographics.
I had initially started looking at info graphics in general, but had soon realized that it would have been to vague, so then I concentrated on info graphics surrounded the given topic of technology and communication.

I then also started to look at different types of infographics, which would be the ones which are not directly based on communication and technology. 

With this research we also had to collect some first hand research to go alongside it, and then had to make them into research boards. I had chosen to do a questionnaire, based on communication and how it affects how much we communicate.  

With all of this research I then made them into research boards in the form of info graphics to keep to theme and it was easier to show this way.