Monday 21 October 2013

Seminar and Study Task 1 - Communication Theory

This was the first session of Context of Practice for Level 5 of BAGD.

We looked at the Shannon-Weaver Mathematical Model.

The model was initially designed for the Military and to analyse forms of communications. This very model can also be applied to Graphic and visual communications as well. 

The model consists of 5 stages as you can see. 

We were then asked in pairs to think of how the model could be applied to graphic design and to identify the five stages, the ones I came up with my partner were:

  1. Research
  2. Concept/Idea
  3. Development/Experimentation
  4. Production/Process
  5. Final Outcome
We then all said one or 2 we had as a class to make a more precise one.

  1. Brief/Client/Concept
  2. Designing
  3. Medium
  4. Communication
  5. Audience
There are problems which can occur at each stage of the model though, in a graphic design term here are a list of problems which could occur:


Too Vague
Bad Concept
Wrong Information


Consideration of Audience
Bad Designer
Bad Concept


Production Issues




Lack Of Feedback
If They were Blind/Deaf/Colour Blind

Some of these problems can be resolved


Ask Questions
Better Research




Better Planned out


Their Language
Better thought out

Some examples of Noise for each stage could be:




Mind set
Clients not letting you work properly


Limits of the media



Communication Problems

Level A - Technical Problems (how the message can be transmitted)

Level B - Semantic Problems (How precise is the message conveyed)

Level C - Effectiveness Problems (How effectively does the meaning affect behavior)

Level A:
  • Printer Broke
  • Ability
  • Skill
  • Software
Level B:
  • Mis-interpretation
  • Mis-Understanding
  • Tone of Voice
  • Colours
  • Layout
Level C:
  • Location
  • Lack of Feedback
  • Mis-interpretation
Entropy - Unpredictable
Redundancy - Somewhat predictable or sends the message across simply

We were then set a task to look at one piece of communication and apply the Shannon and Weaver Model to it.

I have chosen Nikes 'Stand Up Speak Up' campaign.

I would say that the image above and the whole campaign was a good way to raise awareness and importance of anti-racism, and to some extent was slightly entropic as when these wristbands had actually come out a lot of people mistaken them simply as accessories without knowing their actual purpose. 

In this case I would say that the information source would be racism within and surrounding sports and I the transmitter would be the designer of the bands but could also be the director behind the initial idea as it was not simply just a series of posters it was a campaign with the wristbands being at the centre of it all but had many components.

Linked in with that the channel for this would be the advertising for the campaign as people would not really see it if they wasn't going into the shops where the bands we being sold, broken down it would be photographs like you can see above with text. The receiver would technically be the public in general but I think it was aimed at people who enjoyed and were into sports and younger teens such as 10-16 year old's as they were very popular in secondary schools and I think that secondary school is a very important part of every young adults life as it somewhat molds you into what sort of adult you will grow up to be and what sort of things you will be interested in so trying to convey a message of such meaning to this age group would seem fairly crucial. The destination for this campaign would be that it doesn't matter what colour you are and that we should stand up and speak up against racism.

I think that this exercise was very useful as it has helped me to properly dissect and look into how messages are and can be conveyed through design, which is actually a very good thing to know as a designer as there is always a message within graphic design.

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