Monday 23 December 2013

Design for Print & Web Research

I started this brief fairly late, but had a good idea of what I wanted to produce for it. So I knew where and what to research. I started with looking into things which I was planning to create through this brief. I had compiled all of my images onto a pinterest board. 

Considering that this was the final brief of the module I decided to use some of the processes I did not get a chance to use in the previous ones, or use things that I simply had not done before.

This next image interested me as I have always wanted to use holographic card and have always been intrigued with how you can see so many colours in different light.

After having seen this I wanted to try and get hold of some card which was similar or foil maybe.

Considering that I had included to brand the cafe as part of the gallery I also had a look into branding for cafes, which is when this next image really caught my attention.

I liked how they had broken down what fonts they had used in the branding the different variations of logos and colour schemes, along with any patterns that they had used.

I also looked into corporate branding as I came across images as such which gave me a few ideas of how I could go about doing it.

I also saw a few images of banners which gave me ideas on what I could have as inspiration, my trip down to london to the galleries tied in with this very well, which I have documented on my Design practice blog.

I was also thinking of some things like bags if the exhibition had a shop?

I searched for galleries and info and wayfinding and found some interesting approaches to how it had been done.

Now that I knew what I was going to be producing I started to look at booklets and things I was going to be producing like posters and corporate branding.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Study Task 5 - Triangulation

This task was to use the triangulation of text method of academic writing. I ended up writing more that I expected so I chose to continue this piece on into my essay.

In the 19th century advertising and promotions of products did not need as much branding as is used now. This is mainly down to the fact that during that time the only things being advertised and promoted were new things which had been invented, one of many authors have commented on this, N Klein best explains this point, (2000)

‘The first mass-marketing campaigns, starting in the second half of the nineteenth, had more to do with advertising than with branding as we understand it today. Faced with a range of recently invented products – the radio, phonograph, car, light bulb and so on – advertisers had more pressing tasks than creating a brand identity for any given corporation; first they had to change the way people lived their lives. Ads had to inform consumers about the existence of some new invention, then convince them that their lives would be better if they used, for example, cars instead of wagons, telephones instead of mail and electric light instead of oil lamps. Many of these new products bore brand names – some of which are still around today – but these were almost incidental. These products were themselves news; that was almost advertisement enough.’

It was the products which in fact sold themselves and the newness of the idea which was what people were buying, mainly due to the fact that the products there were selling actually would have made your life easier not how now in the present time when it is in fact the brand which you are buying into. Klein has commented on this as well, (2000)

‘The search for the true meaning of brands – or the “brand essence” as it is often called – gradually took the agencies away from the individual products and their attributes and toward a psychological/anthropological examination of what brands mean to the culture and to the people’s lives. This was seen to be of crucial importance, since corporations may manufacture products, but what consumers buy are brands.’

One of the main reasons as to why now advertising and marketing is such a lucrative business and plays such a large portion of selling anything these days is because of this, and how in trying to brand your product is not only about the product but is more about what benefits you would get from buying into it. It was this crucial moment when companies and large brands had started to think about what Klein was describing as ‘brand essence’. Berger in Ways of Seeing supports this as he states that (1972)

‘It is important here not to confuse publicity with the pleasure or benefits to be enjoyed from the things it advertises.’

This is also further supported by Olins in On Brand as he states (2003)

‘Branding has moved so far beyond its commercial origins that its impact is virtually immeasurable in social and cultural terms. It has spread into education, sport, fashion, travel, art, theatre, literature, the region, the nation and virtually anywhere else you can think of.’