Tuesday 18 February 2014

Responsive - Royal Dine Research

This brief was one which I had taken on short notice as my friend needed some work done for a client. It was a branding project for a restaurant in Leicester which was undergoing refurbishment. With it being such a straight forward brief I started to look examples of branding for existing restaurants of similar style. I was given very vague information on how the client wanted it so I figured this would be the best way to get started on it.

I created a pinterest board to collect these images:

A few of the images which really caught my eye were:

I thought that this looked very suitable for what the client sounded like he wanted as he said something simple but classy, and he wanted a new logo designed along with a new menu, and I thought that something on the lines of this would fit in with what he sounded like he was after.

This next image got my attention also as he said that he wanted a crown to part of the logo.

I thought that the simplicity of this logo could work well with a different typeface.

I tried to find branding for the type of food they was going to be serving at the restaurant, in this case indian food, but I did not find many examples of branding in line with the style he wanted it in.

With the client wanting the work done ASAP I did not have a lot of time to extensively research but I think that I had collected a fair amount of images which gave me ideas and inspiration. 

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