Wednesday 6 November 2013

Study Task 4

Today we were set a task similar to a previous one where we need to use at least 5 quotes from 'The Look' By Coward,R., to analyse an image which utilizes the gaze.

In this analysis I will be looking at this image which is promotional material from a D&G Ad campaign for the release of a new series of aftershaves and perfumes for men and women. In this particular example the ‘gaze’ is actually being returned where as in more traditional and dated images of similar content the women or rarely men would not be looking at the camera or at you, which would imply that they are allowing you to look at them. One of the main reasons they have got the models in this advert to gaze back is due to historically when the gaze has been returned is has been deemed more sexual or provocative, this links into what Coward,R. says; 'The emphasis on women’s looks becomes a crucial way in which society exercises control over women’s sexuality.'(Coward, R., ‘The Look’ in Thomas, J. (e.d) (2000) PP.35). Backing up what he said and in relation to this image, all of the people in the advert are in fact models so from that right there they are saying that this is what beauty and in conclusion all women should look like. 

‘Advertising in this society builds precisely on the creation of an anxiety to the effect that, unless we measure up, we will not be loved’ (Coward, R., ‘The Look’ in Thomas, J. (e.d) (2000) PP.38). Looking at this quote the way that this is shown or used in this image is the through what they are selling, as they are trying to get you buy the products by suggesting that you will look like the models or have that level of appeal to the opposite sex along with being loved, which is what the couple in the top right of the advert are suggesting. 

‘For looking is not a neutral activity. Human beings don’t all look at things in the same way, innocently as it were. In this culture, the look is largely controlled by men’ (Coward, R., ‘The Look’ in Thomas, J. (e.d) (2000) PP.33). This quote is backed up through this image but also contradicts it at times as the quote is suggesting that people do not just look at things with an innocent sense of mind or thoughts as we once used to, but mainly directed at males. But in this image there are also men who are posing which would suggest that it is going to get women as well as men looking.

“The saturation of society with images of women has nothing to do with men’s natural appreciation of objective beauty, their aesthetic appreciation, and everything to do with an obsessive recording and use of women’s images in ways which make men feel comfortable. Clearly this comfort is connected with feeling secure or powerful” (Coward, R., ‘The Look’ in Thomas, J. (e.d) (2000) PP.34. Looking that the image above, it remains true to what Coward,R is trying to say as even though there are men in the advert one of the males is grabbing onto one of the women, which would suggest power over her or more obviously objectification in the slightest. 

In conclusion the current times we live in, we are surrounded by images of pretty much naked men and women which are all selling products we don’t need along with false hopes of looking like them and being loved, but mainly what beauty is and should be, this is backed up through one final quote; 'There’s no simple matter of men imposing these meanings on women who can then take them or leave them depending on what they had for breakfast. Women are, more often than not preoccupied with images their owns and other peoples. However unconsciously most members of this society get the message that there’s a lot at stake in visual impact. Most women know to their cost that appearance is perhaps the crucial way by which men form opinions of women. For that reason feelings about self image get mixed up with feelings about security and comfort.'(Coward, R., ‘The Look’ in Thomas, J. (e.d) (2000) PP.36).

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