Friday 25 April 2014

Context Of Practice Research

For the practical element of my Context of practice, I was initially thinking of doing something which was very adbusters related, similar to the images I was looking when proposing my essay question.

These were the type of images which I was thinking of doing something similar to,

Something using inks which would only show up through certain ways, such as 3D glasses or photochromic ink, I felt that this would have been a good way to incorporate the idea of an underlying meaning or hidden meaning of things. I was considering to do something which would go hand in hand with what I was talking about in my essay but due to not having enough time I had to change my idea.

Here are some of the images which I came about when researching for the publication I was going to be making from my essay.

These posters above were something which I thought was very interesting, as the overall concept is simple but is portraying a very strong message, this was what I was aiming to achieve through my practical piece.

These hijacked billboards, by Robert Mongomery, was another project which I thought was a very interesting idea, as I liked the concept of putting a billboard on its head, and reversing its initial purpose.

This series of hacked bus stop adverts is another ad busters style project which interested me, as it was similar to my initial idea. 

I have collected a few more images on a pinterest board which I will link.

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