Thursday 4 October 2012

Alphabet Soup Visual Thinking 'POP' Research

These are some of the things that I researched into when I was thinking of how and what to do for the word 'POP'. One of the things that I had already decided on was that I was going to be using Helvetica Neue Light as my base font and was going to work from it.

Pop music and current icons and cultures:

Lady Gaga - Mainly due to her extremist clothing style

Pop Art

Pop Magazine - High culture Fashion Magazine

Bones (Popping Bones)

From looking at all these images I had decided to go off small details from each one and work with it especially due to the nature of my base font with it being so simplistic and minimal.

From these I had looked further into some of the images and what I had chosen from them and how they could be simplified.

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